Read You Shouldn't Be Here Hayya Novel Full Episode
Read You Shouldn't Be Here Hayya Novel Full Episode

Read You Shouldn’t Be Here Hayya Novel Full Episode

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Read You Shouldn’t Be Here – Rahmat missed his qira’ah early that morning. He also decided to fulfill Subuh at home because of circumstances that were completely beyond his control. Even though the tension had ended with a joyful surprise, a feeling of joy that was difficult for him to name, there was still something that stuck to him and made the uncertainty continue to wrap around him.

However, her little heart whispered something that she should have followed as before, that the little girl shouldn’t be here, her home is Palestine! At the end of his prayer, Rahmat desperately suppressed the urge to argue with Nuranind. He made a new request, a request that I made out of sincerity. He hopes for His guidance, a path to follow, and a flame of light to which he can gladly go. However … another voice in dit.iny.a seems to be trying to find another line of some kind of business


justify the current situation and reality.

Grace, however, your little heart says something you should follow. Haven’t you always believed in it?

But what if Hayya really is better off with me? I can be a grandfather, Uncle, or even a good parent for that orphan girl. Her stubbornness suddenly reappeared, against something she had asked for in her prayers.

Rahmat was about to continue his prayer when behind him he heard the sound of running faucets. He quickly turned around and saw the bathroom door had just been closed. Rahmat finished his prayer faster than usual. She went into her room, opened the wardrobe, and rummaged through the bottom pile of clothes.


Five minutes later a folded towel and a white t-shirt were in his right hand. Rahmat put the two of them in the clothes hook which is right near the entrance to the bathroom. Rahmat is sure that Hayya really needs it, it’s just that the little girl is confused about how to express it. Rahmat entered the room and took the mushaf left by the late Ummi. But his mind is confused. He had just read one sheet, he put the tiny Koran back on the small table beside the cot. Grace is pacing the room. He wanted to make sure Hayya had dried off after showering and was wearing a t-shirt that was definitely too big for a girl her age. Rahmat opened the curtains of the room so that the yard with the grass that was starting to rise and several ketapang trees whose canopies were starting to form umbrellas spread green behind the window glass which was a little dusty. However … all that is not the least bit to be


nutritious food for his brain. He had just worked on analyzing the many irregularities that had been produced by his own anxieties earlier this morning.


His gaze was sharp aiming at nothing, other than confusion

The sound of the bathroom door being opened slowly creeps into his eardrums. Rahmat imagined that at this time Hayya was secretly grabbing a towel and a t-shirt that he had pinned by the door. Rahmat decided that in 10 minutes he would return to the living room which has direct access to the bathroom.

Rahmat came into the living room and found Hayya playing with a doll that had apparently been taken from the sideboard under the TV, where she kept Aisyah’s belongings. Grace smiled before turning to the kitchen. Arriving in front of the kitchen set, he didn’t know what to do. A toaster, knife, plate and a few spoons in its case at right eye level. Rahmat opens the kitchen cupboard


top sets. He found nothing but instant noodles. He took two packets before returning them to their original place. This time, his gaze shifted to the right. A stainless steel dishwasher with a splash of strawberry sauce that extends to the dish rack sits atop the kitchen sideboard. Oh, strawberry jam! Whereas last night, his chaotic mind saw it as a splash of blood. Oh illusion, how powerful it is to play with human panic.

Rahmat groaned several times with both palms which he pressed to both sides of his waist


At first glance he was showing resistance to the fatigue and weakness that was attacking him at this time. “I can’t lose!” Grace …….


Description of Novels


Title: You Shouldn’t Be Here

Author: Helvy Tiana & Benny Arnas

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: A Novel

Language: English

Read You Shouldn't Be Here Hayya Novel Full Episode
Read You Shouldn’t Be Here Hayya Novel Full Episode

How to Read You Shouldn’t Be Here Hayya Novel Full Episode

The novel entitled Read You Shouldn’t Be Here is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “You Shouldn’t Be Here” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




In conclusion, I hope that Hayya’s novel will receive a great reception and hope that the messages that can be conveyed can be received and applied in the souls of all levels of society. Let us together try to liberate the waqf land of the Islamic community, namely the Land of Palestine, in whatever way we can. We hope that whatever effort we are doing will turn into a charity that will burden our Mizan Hasanah in the last days.

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