Read What a Pain That Name Hayya Novel Full Episode
Read What a Pain That Name Hayya Novel Full Episode

Read What a Pain That Name Hayya Novel Full Episode

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Read What a Pain That Name – Unlike the first trip in (direct arm from Jakarta. this second trip took Kuala Lumpur as the Iceberg Alaqatan point. After transiting at Jeddah for two hours, they arrived at Queen

Alia Airport. Jordan’s largest airport. Apparently, distance

Taibe is not too far away,

It only takes three months by minibus. Throughout the journey, the image of Palestine as a barren country like during the first visit, has not been released. Actually Adin could have chosen to sleep as Rahmat did, who was asleep with his mouth half open beside him, but he couldn’t.

That reasoning was enough to make Adin’s joints ache immeasurably. One of the triggers was that the 15 being on Saudi Airlines experienced quite a lot every two hours. For journalists who were somewhat Adin always objected


Aviophobia so using the word “azak, bie.a networked eyes with members of the rornbonsøn who smacked, It’d be better if the plane crashed this time, but I survived myself!” then he looked at Adin and laughed while covering his mouth with a blanket during turbulence is being great great nym

Right and left side of the road is only filled with arid scenery. rocky, collapsed buildings everywhere, and olive trees could only be seen a quarter mile or so. At that point, everything can be said to be fine—of course, excluding the severe jet lag that Adin is experiencing. However…. As soon as it entered the border, the problem just appeared. In fact, Adin experienced this during his first visit to Acne Egypt.


Pak Wildan and other entourage members also predicted this, but Adin’s joy in visiting Palestine made him pay little heed to it.

Around half past twelve, they arrived at the checkpoint. As with the first experience in Egypt, this is the tense part. Adi has experienced it. And this time he doubted that the experience would not be repeated. He became very concerned about his hair, mustache, and beard every time he saw the mirror. “What an exaggeration, Arabs aren’t even as scary as you!” Rahmat joked one day commenting on his best friend’s appearance.

Apart from the matter of its ‘radical’ appearance, the fact that, as in Mesic this border is also guarded and controlled by the Israeli military,


A little annoyed too. Fıxed, he thought annoyed. I’m definitely here!

“Israel again. Israel again. Even though this is the Jordan-Palestine border. Amman-Yerikho,” Rahmat’s hard drive entered in line to be checked.

“Watch your mouth bro! They sound tarry, we’re giving the others a hard time!” Adin whispered as quietly as possible.

“Alah parno lu, Din!” Rahmat was annoyed. “English is just a mess, let alone understand Indonesian!”

Palestine’s borders with Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan are controlled by Israel. All activities—including those that have an economic impact—are held by Israel.

even if we go to Palestine, the money goes back and forth to Israel!” said Irwan, one of Hubby’s volunteers who goes back and forth to Jakarta-Palestine every year.

But this is not about Israeli hegemony on the borders.


Adin’s case is more technical and annoying!

At this border, Adin was examined the longest. The personal details of this frizzy-over-the-shoulder single were stolen in every detail, including the names of the paternal and maternal grandparents. Adin Abdul Hakim. Oh, how powerful that name• How complicated it would be when the very Arabic name actually reached an Arab country!

Ba’da Dzuhur, the Aman•Palestinian group was only able to set foot in Palestine. Due to circumstances that were not yet possible to continue to Al Aqsa

They pray in a congregation in a sort of empty room of the inn measuring 7×7 meters. The inn named Abdul Taib Hornel has around 30 vano rooms


The distance between the hornets, as the other group of volunteers said, was the place where they were staying at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, about 100 meters while they had to pray at the place to stay. In the afternoon, they just found out that a hornet is a kind of equivalent for a hotel or inn in Arabic, as they also just know that, for newcomers, visiting the Al Aqsa Mosque must go through a series of checks that are no less stringent than those at the border. “If you want to force it, Mas Adin won’t pray the noon prayer,” said Mr. Wildan when he saw Adin and Rahmat who insisted on going to Aqsa.

Why should I be the one who gets hit, Adin repeated in his heart.


Even though Adin and Rahmat already knew that the Aqsa Mosque area is less than 80 kilometers from the Gaza Strip which is the center of the non-stop conflict, they always hoped for good news from other members of the group if there was a possibility they could reach that area. “Compared to Indonesia, the distance between Aqsa and Gaza is close, but you both have to believe this: I have a friend who has lived in Gaza for 8 years, so far he has been unable to pray at Aqsa!” said Pak Wildan with a serious expression.

Adin and Rahmat’s expressions suddenly changed. Somewhat hard for them to believe the news just now,


“Apart from that, we have to be grateful—to be able to set foot in Palestine and, God willing, worship at Aqsa

going forward plus being able to trace back the West Bank, this fact shows that there are no predictions that can be used as a basis


Description of Novels


Title: What a Pain That Name

Author: Helvy Tiana & Benny Arnas

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: A Novel

Language: English

Read What a Pain That Name Hayya Novel Full Episode
Read What a Pain That Name Hayya Novel Full Episode


How to Read What a Pain That Name Hayya Novel Full Episode

The novel entitled Read What a Pain That Name is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “Read What a Pain That Name” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




In conclusion, I hope that Hayya’s novel will receive a great reception and hope that the messages that can be conveyed can be received and applied in the souls of all levels of society. Let us together try to liberate the waqf land of the Islamic community, namely the Land of Palestine, in whatever way we can. We hope that whatever effort we are doing will turn into a charity that will burden our Mizan Hasanah in the last days.

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