Hidden Love
Hidden Love

Hidden Love by Zhu Yi Novel Full Episode

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Read Hidden Love – Hello everyone, welcome to this article about Hidden Love, a novel by Zhu Yi. If you are looking for a romantic and suspenseful story that will keep you hooked until the end, you might want to check out this book. In this article, we will give you an overview of the plot, the characters, the themes, and the reviews of Hidden Love. We will also tell you where you can buy or read this novel online. Let’s get started!


The Plot of Hidden Love


Hidden Love is a novel that tells the story of Lin Xuan, a young and successful lawyer who has a secret crush on her childhood friend, Li Wei. Li Wei is a handsome and charismatic doctor who works in the same hospital as Lin Xuan’s brother, Lin Hao. Lin Xuan and Li Wei have been friends since they were kids, but they never confessed their feelings to each other. They both think that the other one is out of their league and that they are better off as friends.


However, things start to change when Lin Xuan gets involved in a mysterious case that puts her life in danger. She is hired by a wealthy client to defend his son, who is accused of murdering his girlfriend. The case is complicated and full of twists and turns, and Lin Xuan soon realizes that there is more to it than meets the eye. She also discovers that Li Wei has a connection to the case, and that he might be hiding something from her.


As Lin Xuan tries to solve the case and uncover the truth, she also has to deal with her feelings for Li Wei. She finds out that he has a girlfriend, who is none other than her rival at work, Zhou Qian. Zhou Qian is a beautiful and smart lawyer who has always been jealous of Lin Xuan and tries to sabotage her career. She also knows about Lin Xuan’s crush on Li Wei and uses it to taunt her.


Will Lin Xuan be able to win the case and win Li Wei’s heart? Or will she lose everything she cares about? You will have to read the novel to find out!


Description of Novels


Title: Hidden Love

Author: Zhu Yi

Publisher: WattPad

Ratings: –

Genre: Romance

Hidden Love
Hidden Love


The Characters of Hidden Love


Hidden Love has a cast of interesting and complex characters that make the story more engaging and realistic. Here are some of the main characters:


  • Lin Xuan: The protagonist of the novel. She is a smart, brave, and kind-hearted lawyer who loves her job and her family. She has had a crush on Li Wei since childhood, but she never tells him how she feels. She is loyal to her friends and clients, and she always tries to do the right thing.
  • Li Wei: The love interest of Lin Xuan. He is a handsome, charming, and talented doctor who works in the cardiology department. He is also a childhood friend of Lin Xuan and Lin Hao, but he doesn’t know that Lin Xuan likes him. He has a girlfriend, Zhou Qian, who he doesn’t love but stays with out of obligation.
  • Zhou Qian: The antagonist of the novel. She is a beautiful, cunning, and ambitious lawyer who works in the same law firm as Lin Xuan. She hates Lin Xuan and sees her as a threat to her career and her relationship with Li Wei. She tries to ruin Lin Xuan’s reputation and make her lose the case.
  • Lin Hao: The brother of Lin Xuan. He is a caring and supportive brother who works as a surgeon in the same hospital as Li Wei. He knows about Lin Xuan’s crush on Li Wei and tries to help her get closer to him.
  • Wang Jia: The best friend of Lin Xuan. She is a cheerful and optimistic girl who works as a journalist. She always encourages Lin Xuan to pursue her dreams and her love.

The Themes of Hidden Love


Hidden Love is not just a romance novel, but also a thriller that explores various themes such as justice, friendship, family, trust, and betrayal. Some of the themes are:


  • Justice: The novel shows how Lin Xuan fights for justice and truth in a corrupt and dangerous system. She faces many obstacles and risks her life to defend her client and expose the real culprit behind the murder. She also learns that justice is not always black and white, and that sometimes she has to make difficult choices.
  • Friendship: The novel depicts the strong bond between Lin Xuan and her friends, especially Wang Jia. They support each other through thick and thin, and they help each other overcome their problems. They also have fun together and share their secrets and dreams.
  • Family: The novel highlights the importance of family and how it shapes the characters’ personalities and values. Lin Xuan loves her brother Lin Hao and respects her parents, who are also lawyers. Li Wei is close to his grandmother, who raised him after his parents died. Zhou Qian comes from a wealthy and powerful family, but she feels lonely and unloved by her parents.
  • Trust: The novel explores the issue of trust and how it affects the relationships between the characters. Lin Xuan trusts Li Wei as her friend, but she doesn’t know if she can trust him as her lover. Li Wei trusts Zhou Qian as his girlfriend, but he doesn’t know if he can trust her as his partner. Zhou Qian trusts no one but herself, and she doesn’t care about hurting others.
  • Betrayal: The novel reveals the consequences of betrayal and how it can destroy lives and relationships. Lin Xuan is betrayed by someone she trusts, who turns out to be involved in the murder case. Li Wei is betrayed by Zhou Qian, who cheats on him with another man. Zhou Qian is betrayed by her own family, who use her as a pawn in their schemes.


How to Read Novel Hidden Love Full Episode

The novel entitled Read Hidden Love is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “Hidden Love” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.



Hidden Love is a novel that will keep you entertained and intrigued from start to finish. It has a captivating plot, relatable characters, and meaningful themes that will make you think and feel. If you are looking for a novel that combines romance, suspense, drama, and humor, you should definitely give Hidden Love a try.


You can buy or read Hidden Love online from various platforms such as Amazon, Kindle, or iBooks. You can also follow the author Zhu Yi on social media to get updates on her latest works.


Thank you for reading this article about Hidden Love. We hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. See you again in another interesting article!

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