Read Di Ramallah Hayya Novel Full Episode
Read Di Ramallah Hayya Novel Full Episode

Read Di Ramallah Hayya Novel Full Episode

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Read Di Ramallah – Even though the sky at the end of July that overshadowed Sher Vinner Street was blue and bright as usual, Rahmat seemed to be gazing at the cloudy skies in the distance. The birds that fly from the olive trees to the date palms or wheat fields on the plains of Nablus, Rad Al-Auja and Hebron are like transparent moving objects that cannot be felt. His face was wrinkled, the flesh of his forehead was folded in three, his narrowed eyes looked up at the sun, still unable to disguise the anxiety that was boiling in his head, at least in the presence of Adin Abdul Hakim, a friend who for nearly ten years was the only person who understood him and at the same time felt most comfortable. and stupid with all his stubborn temper.

“We are far behind Pak Wildan’s group, you know, bro. Come on, hurry up!” Adin tapped the 31-year-old single on the shoulder and then widened the range of his steps. But only four steps walk fast,


“Today, eighty-two days later, we are back again. To Palestine. Not in Arabia or around the Gaza Strip, but here. In Taibe.” Adi was silent.

“Noh, noo!” Grace pointed to the east. “Only 100 meters, we can already pray and cry on the carpet

Al Aqsa Mosque!”

Adi’s eyes reddened.

“Well, what did you say?” Rahmat stepped closer to Adin. “I’m a drama? Eat boomerang! Your eyes are red!”

“I’m hot you know!”

“Everyone’s hot in here too, but not a slut like you!” Now Rahmat is moving fast, leaving Adin.

Oh, really, Rahmat’s words about the Aqsa Mosque really made him unable to hold back his emotions. Crying because of immeasurable happiness. Of course this is not only that he was able to face Him at the first Qibla of the Islamic community, but his struggle, which can be said to be the toughest among the 19 members of the humanitarian delegation, is what makes his gratitude multiply.

“Look,” he added later, there was a tone of defeat in his words, “I will contact colleagues (l’Ilura, does the situation allow for Kalmı Kıta kr Borç Yrha,” Adın and Rahmat listened. Crack really does not understand the names of the areas in Palestine, despite their experience they explored Kaifa, Ar’ara BaNegev and Dir Nona. The landscape is almost as rocky, dry, dusty, houses and buildings that are no longer intact, even though it can’t be said to be arid. to Gaza: added Pak Wildan as if reminding him.

Even so, Adin and Rahmat really don’t care. For them, why do they carry all these food and clothing materials for days on the ship if they can’t be distributed? “This assistance will certainly arrive, no matter what the method,” said Mr. Wildan, as if reading the anxiety of the two volunteers.

“How to?” said Rahmat curiously.

Pak Wildan just shrugged his shoulders “God will tell later,” he said.

Sure enough. They must be stuck in Beersheba.

“You can hear yourself, can’t you, how gunshots are heard every few hours or even minutes here.”

One Safe Palestinian thinker is not just anyone. Even though she is a woman, Khalida is a strategic expert in lobbying. He has succeeded countless times in bringing reinforcements to the Heart of Gaza in a number of missions he has led. He is also the one who mentors many newer NGOs like Hubbu.

Soon Mr. Wildan was already talking to someone on the cell phone in fast Arabic. Adin and Rahmat were unable to hide their admiration for the group leader. “Ustaz Awang and Usta Ishak just asked us to drop all the logistics here.”

Again. Adin and Rahmat had no choice. Ustaz Awang is the main director of the humanitarian organization headquartered in Malaysia, while Ustaz Ishak is one of his confidants like Ustazah Khalida.

They dropped off supplies at one of the camps north of Beersheba. Some people with very Indonesian faces welcomed them and kept them under a big tent. Apparently, they opened a kind of branch of the humanitarian force that deals with stagnant logistical assistance in Tel Sheva which is adjacent to the Beersheba territory.

But that was three months ago.

And if Allah has said kun. finish everything.


“Be careful what you say!”

Rahmat’s words just now we’re like a needle piercing a balloon of Adin’s daydream.

Description of Novels

Title: Read Di Ramallah

Author: Helvy Tiana & Benny Arnas

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: A Novel

Language: English

Read Di Ramallah Hayya Novel Full Episode
Read Di Ramallah Hayya Novel Full Episode

How to Read Di Ramallah Hayya Novel Full Episode

The novel entitled Read Di Ramallah is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “Read Di Ramallah” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




In conclusion, I hope that Hayya’s novel will receive a great reception and hope that the messages that can be conveyed can be received and applied in the souls of all levels of society. Let us together try to liberate the waqf land of the Islamic community, namely the Land of Palestine, in whatever way we can. We hope that whatever effort we are doing will turn into a charity that will burden our Mizan Hasanah in the last days.

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