Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night
Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night

Read Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night Hayya Novel Full Episode

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Read Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night Thirteenth August 2019, the humanitarian ship Aman Palestin docked at Tanjung Priok Port. As if making fun of her sad and tangled feelings, the sky in Jakarta that night was darker than usual. More moody than usual. Quieter than usual. From the wharf to the boxcar carrying the volunteers’ belongings that he was riding on to the main road, Rahmat didn’t utter a word.


As he descended the ladder of the Aman Palestin humanitarian ship, Rahmat had agreed to Amrul and Lihin’s invitation, the two volunteers who were in charge of NGO logistics, to board a boxcar. Rahmat’s residence was Amrul and Lihin’s first destination. Compared to the homes of other volunteers, the journalist’s house is relatively close to Merak Harbor


“But later, I’ll be the one who is confused about the expression for the gloom that he is not ready to accept. Amrul, who was holding the wheel, throws humor a few times, but instead it’s always Lihin who greets him. Instead of laughing or grinning, Rahmat’s expression just gets more tense.


Halfway through, Rahmat fell asleep. I don’t know if it’s because of the radio that they haven’t even realized before playing the song. The old Qatrunnada nasyid songs performed a cappella with a solemn rhythm or the night air that stroked his eyelids during the low-speed journey had the power to make sadness replaced by accumulated fatigue in the Land of Anbiya.


Amrul is indeed known as a relaxed driver. He had his own trauma with the road, his mother died on his pillion in an accident on the Jakarta highway five years ago. While in Palestine, Lihin or even Pak Wildan directly held the wheel.

Thirty minutes later they arrived in front of a house surrounded by a chest-high fence and a fairly large green yard.


“Wake up, Grace, Rul!” said Lihin while opening the door. “He said he wanted to take care of his own things, uh, he just got drunk on the road. Let’s help!”

Amrul and Lihin persisted in carrying all the other volunteers’ belongings until they arrived at Rahmat’s except. Matt. I’m still staggering like that Lihin Rahmat wants your belongings!” This time our worshipers are worried


Grace turned around for a moment while rubbing her eyes. “Okay, you guys are really kind. Just leave it here, I’ll bring it later! I’m sleepy now!”

“This is not being kind or not, Akh,” Lihin said again while opening the door of the defense box. “The job description is already like this.”


“Yes, Mat,” said Amrul, who gave the code for Rahmat to enter the house immediately. “You want us to be volunteers who don’t work?” Amrul grins at the horse. “Besides, if you’re told to write like you, you’ll give up!”


“Same!” Take a look at sorting things out. After Rahmat’s house, there are five more volunteers who will deliver their belongings. “Ana, if you’re asked to take a photo, it’s never good!”

Now it’s Rahmat’s turn to grin. He shook his head as he stuck the key in the doorknob. Okay. He gave up. He then opened both doors wide to make it easier for the two 25-year-old youths behind him to bring in his belongings. “Go straight to the cupboard in the corner of the living room, bro. Just open it. The cupboard doesn’t have a key anymore.” Rahmat went to the living room, turned on the light, then went to the bathroom. “I want to clean up first.”

“Well, that’s fun!” said Amrul, who was shouldering the suitcase behind Rahmat. “What’s in this suitcase, Matt?


“Hey Ru!!” shouted Rahmat from within.

Amrul approached the bathroom. He thought boy. the iłu man asked him to listen because he would tell the contents of the suitcase.

“On the wall to the right, near the painting, there is a switch. Please help. I forgot to turn on the bathroom light! My hair is already wet!”

“Ouch!” Amrul just shook his head.


Grace. Grace….

A few minutes later it was Amrul and Lihin Yang’s turn to shout. Rahmat couldn’t hear her clearly. The activity of brushing his teeth in the bathroom with the sound of running tap water made him unable to hear clearly what the two volunteers were saying. Even so, his reasoning told him that Amrul and Lihin meant to say goodbye and couldn’t wait for him because there were still many suitcases, backpacks and other belongings of the volunteers that had not been delivered.


“Okay, Bro! Just close the fence and door of your ła room!” he shouted as soon as he rinsed his mouth and cleaned the toothpaste foam in his mouth.

After drying off and wearing a comfortable home-made t-shirt, Rahmat headed to the living room and łamu room. He suddenly thought, maybe Amrul and Lihin had not left yet, still waiting for him to say goodbye. Yes, the courtesy of the two young men while they were involved with him in a humanitarian project.


which made Rahmat fall in love with his spacious and green yard!

Today, a comfortable house with a yard full of shady trees is a luxury in the midst of high-rise buildings and an almost irregular density of residences in the capital. Because of that, Adin often stops by or stays at the place where he lives. Since the end of 2017, Adin has been living there more and more. “You really have a job here, or just some mode to get a free place to stay!” he joked once.


After making sure all the doors and windows were locked, Rahmat immediately entered the room. He was just about to turn off the bedroom light and, as usual, only turned on the dim nightlight, but instead he plopped down on the cot. While lying down, his right hand even reached into his pocket and took out a shiny paper that had been scattered on the floor. His guess was that the two Safe-Palestinian staff were not aware that there was a photo that had fallen from the outer pocket of his backpack (Yes, he knew very well where the photo was usually kept in a place where he could easily poke it when he wanted to see it).


A woman with a beautiful face, without make-up, wearing a dark cream veil, with eyes that have the power to penetrate and find out the deepest depressions of her lonely heart. Yasna, he thought. After stroking the surface of the photo, he almost brought the glossy paper to his face when the istighfar immediately left his lips. O Allah, forgive my mistake, he thought again as he placed the 2R size photo on the small table next to the cot. He immediately got up.


Description of Novels


Title: Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night

Author: Helvy Tiana & Benny Arnas

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: A Novel

Language: English

Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night
Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night

How to Read Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night Hayya Novel Full Episode

The novel entitled Read Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “Read Like the Sky of Jakarta That Night” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




In conclusion, I hope that Hayya’s novel will receive a great reception and hope that the messages that can be conveyed can be received and applied in the souls of all levels of society. Let us together try to liberate the waqf land of the Islamic community, namely the Land of Palestine, in whatever way we can. We hope that whatever effort we are doing will turn into a charity that will burden our Mizan Hasanah in the last days.

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