Read Masjidil Aqsa Hayya Novel Full Episode

Masjidil Aqsa

Read Masjidil Aqsa – That Maghrib, for the first time, Rahmat and Adin performed prayers at the Aqsa Maghrib Mosque. Even though they had visited this historical place many times, the other members of the group couldn’t hold back the tears streaming down their faces. It was as if war, arrogance and stubbornness had been taken away from Rahmat Assyraf Pranaja. Like Adin, tears made his cheeks warm and sobs were heard throughout the prayer.


They prayed for a long time, very fervently. deep, very solemn.

For Adin, his tears always have a different story

His amazement and disbelief in being able to visit the Aqsa Mosque will not be one with the other. Again. as predicted by fellow volunteers. He will get the longest physique that is ‘not very Indonesian’ Fortunately. Pak Wildan anticipates it.


They go to Aqsa 20-30 minutes before the call to prayer, Adin is very grateful for that

In the land of the int prophets, reine’Aksaan lenìi Jutsru makes him more aware of humanity.


Until the third day of their existence (li there. Adm started to get used to questions with poles until finally he memorized both the questions and the answers in Arabic! Yes. The checks were repeated continuously because the Israeli soldiers guarding the first checkpoint for prospective Al Aqsa congregations were always changing – changed according to schedule. The level of emotion never diminished when he met Pak Ahmad Haidar, a Palestinian who was on guard right at the entrance to Aqsa. He always hugged and kissed Adin because of the Palestinian-Indonesian emotional bond that he felt so strong, Instead Instead of having an affair, Adin always feels valued and blessed every time he prays.


As Pak Wildan said on the first day, they also took advantage of the time they had to explore the West Bank. Adin and Rahmat also just realized that the West Bank is a very fertile Palestinian area. Here, the image of western Asia that is barren and arid is no longer attached. Ninety percent of Palestinian agriculture grows and develops here. About eight percent in the Gaza Strip. The remaining less than two percent is distributed in several areas still controlled by Palestine. Tin plantation. Palestinian-owned and managed grapes, and grain grow green here. When Pak Wildan took them to Hebron Road and met Abdul Qadir,


an 18-year-old teenager who sells his father’s agricultural produce. In Ramallah, the Qadir family only gets 4 hours of electricity per day. Practically, they only rely on the fertility of the land in the West Bank, which is adjacent to the Dead Sea and the western part of the Jordan River. They cannot use machines or equipment to process crops so that they have more economic value because everything requires electricity. So, apart from being sold on the market, some of it will be bought by Israel to be processed and sold at a much higher price. Well, Palestinians who want to eat pineapple jam bread will of course buy products that have Israeli brands even though they know exactly that the raw material for the jam comes from their own garden!


“How?” Mr. Irwan, who was checking volunteers, turned to the two young men after Mr. Wildan gave an explanation. “Eleven-twelve with Indonesia huh?” This time the man who always wore the tan was grinning at them with a face ready to laugh. Ahhhh….

The fury grew when the trail brought them together with housing and luxury buildings in East Jerusalem. “It’s Jewish?” asked Rahmat furiously. Adin felt the same anger bubble up in his head.

“The international community considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, illegal. International law also considers it so,” explained Pak Wildan.


“Yes Israel Inasa-stupid. They denied it. EGP, if it’s slang!”

So, going back to the hornet, Adin and Rahmat always bring safety and spill it in bedtime conversations.

“How do you think the other volunteers felt about what they saw firsthand in the West Tcpi?” asked Rahmat on the 17th day before throwing his body on the bed.

“Yeah, maybe at first they were just like us, Dead, but… because they’ve been back and forth here so many times, they understand better. Calm down.”

“taro, the more often you come here, you mean they are not sensitive anymore?” Grace’s voice rises. “Lu..c”

“Relax. Bro!” Adin, who had just stretched his legs on the bed, reflexively got up and sat facing Rahmat. I mean. rutas carrying out humanitarian duties makes them finally understand that cursing and prolonged sal is useless. They are focused on what they can do for Remanusuan. for Palestine’•


Description of Novels


Title: Read Masjidil Aqsa

Author: Helvy Tiana & Benny Arnas

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: A Novel

Language: English

Masjidil Aqsa
Masjidil Aqsa

How to Read Masjidil Aqsa Hayya Novel Full Episode

The novel entitled Read Read Masjidil Aqsa is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “Read Masjidil Aqsa” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




In conclusion, I hope that Hayya’s novel will receive a great reception and hope that the messages that can be conveyed can be received and applied in the souls of all levels of society. Let us together try to liberate the waqf land of the Islamic community, namely the Land of Palestine, in whatever way we can. We hope that whatever effort we are doing will turn into a charity that will burden our Mizan Hasanah in the last days.

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