Read My Happy Marriage by Akumi Agitogi Novel Full episode

My Happy Marriage

Read My Happy Marriage – Hello everyone, welcome to my blog where I share my thoughts on various topics related to entertainment, lifestyle, and culture. Today, I want to talk about a novel that I recently read and enjoyed very much. It’s called My Happy Marriage, and it’s written by a popular Indonesian author, Nia Artha. This novel is a romantic comedy that tells the story of a young woman named Rara who has to marry a man she barely knows, Raka, because of an arranged marriage. The novel follows their hilarious and heartwarming journey as they try to make their marriage work despite their differences and challenges.


In this article, I will give you a brief overview of the novel, its main characters, its themes, and its message. I will also share some of my favorite quotes and scenes from the book. If you are looking for a fun and uplifting read that will make you laugh and cry, then you should definitely check out My Happy Marriage. Here are some reasons why:


It has a relatable and likable heroine


One of the things that I loved about My Happy Marriage is the protagonist, Rara. She is a smart, independent, and optimistic woman who loves her job as a journalist. She is also very loyal to her family and friends, and she always tries to do the right thing. However, she is not perfect. She has her own flaws and insecurities, such as her fear of commitment, her low self-esteem, and her tendency to overthink things. She also has to deal with a lot of pressure from her parents, who want her to settle down and have children as soon as possible.


Rara is a character that I could easily relate to and root for. She is funny, honest, and brave. She faces her problems with humor and grace, and she learns from her mistakes. She also grows as a person throughout the novel, as she discovers more about herself, her husband, and her marriage. She is not afraid to speak her mind, but she also knows how to compromise and respect others. She is a realistic and inspiring heroine that I think many readers will enjoy reading about.


It has a charming and mysterious hero


Another thing that I liked about My Happy Marriage is the love interest, Raka. He is a handsome, wealthy, and successful businessman who owns a chain of hotels. He is also very kind, generous, and respectful. He treats Rara with care and affection, and he supports her dreams and ambitions. He is the perfect husband that any woman would want.


However, he is not without his secrets. He has a dark past that he keeps hidden from everyone, including Rara. He also has a cold and aloof personality that makes him hard to read and understand. He rarely expresses his emotions or opinions, and he prefers to keep his distance from others. He is a complex and intriguing hero that I wanted to know more about.


Raka is the opposite of Rara in many ways, but they also have some things in common. They both love their families, they both value honesty and loyalty, and they both have a sense of humor. They also have a strong chemistry that sparks whenever they are together. They make each other laugh, challenge each other, and comfort each other. They are a cute and compatible couple that I enjoyed reading about.


It has a humorous and heartwarming plot


The third thing that I appreciated about My Happy Marriage is the plot. The novel is full of funny and touching moments that kept me entertained and engaged from start to finish. The novel starts with Rara’s shock when she finds out that she has to marry Raka in two weeks because of an agreement between their parents. She tries to protest and escape from the situation, but she eventually agrees to go along with it for the sake of her family’s honor.


The novel then follows Rara’s adjustment to her new life as Raka’s wife. She has to deal with his strict rules, his mysterious behavior, his meddling relatives, his jealous ex-girlfriends, and his demanding work schedule. She also has to face her own feelings for him, which she tries to deny and hide. She has to learn how to trust him, communicate with him, and love him.


The novel is full of hilarious and heartwarming scenes that made me laugh and cry. Some of my favorite scenes include Rara’s first meeting with Raka’s family, Rara’s first night with Raka, Rara’s first day at work as Raka’s assistant, Rara’s first fight with Raka, Rara’s first anniversary with Raka, and Rara’s first pregnancy test. The novel is a roller coaster of emotions that kept me hooked and invested in the outcome.


It has a meaningful and uplifting message


The fourth thing that I admired about My Happy Marriage is the message. The novel is not just a fun and romantic story, but also a meaningful and uplifting one. The novel explores various themes such as family, friendship, marriage, love, trust, communication, compromise, respect, forgiveness, and happiness. The novel shows how these themes are important and relevant in our lives, especially in our relationships.


The novel also teaches us some valuable lessons that we can apply in our own lives. Some of these lessons are: don’t judge a book by its cover, don’t let your fears and insecurities hold you back, don’t give up on your dreams and passions, don’t take your loved ones for granted, don’t be afraid to ask for help and support, don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes and apologize, don’t be afraid to express your feelings and opinions, don’t be afraid to try new things and have fun, don’t be afraid to change and grow, and don’t be afraid to love and be loved.


The novel is a positive and inspiring story that made me feel hopeful and happy. It made me appreciate what I have and what I can achieve. It made me want to be a better person and a better partner. It made me want to have my own happy marriage someday.


Description of Novels


Title:   My Happy Marriage

Author:   Akumi Agitogi

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: Romance

Language: English

My Happy Marriage
My Happy Marriage

How to Read Novel My Happy Marriage Full Episode

The novel entitled Read My Happy Marriage is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “My Happy Marriage” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




Well, that’s the review and how to read the novel My Happy Marriage ? Full Episode. This novel is a novel that is suitable to read for those of you who like Romance. Despite having romantic elements, the novel emphasizes religious and inspirational themes in its storyline. What do you think about this novel? Is it fun to read? Please comment in the comments column on the website below.

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