Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night Hayya Novel Full Episode

Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night

Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night – Seeing the old man with the beard begging for the Aqsa Mosque to be emptied immediately, Adin finally gave in. “This is the reason that Isya has become teral (our lyrics. This is us more time, sir,” Adin turned back from the tree to Garin, who has devoted himself for almost thirty) years to Aqsa. Not far behind him, still sinking in a long prayer.


“Ana” He patted her back. “I can no longer even guess the types of sunnah prayers that the two of you did during the isya earlier. You two repeated many times. It’s 8 30. Aqsa is closed to anyone at that unfortunate time, you both will know that, right’” 10 hugs. “Go home.


Very articulation For male immigrants born in Ramallah to be understood.

He combines his facial expressions in such a way that his words catch him.

At the main door, long lapping.

Adin took a shake

The lumpy Oh, what a mind. while “Thanks for coming back


Adin Yang looked at them Mr. Lidar for a moment. His smile is sad. Oh. per without sorrow.


Outside the mosque, the three soldiers who had been waiting had disappeared. Rahmat and Adin only found guards dressed in military clothing at the front post, about 23 meters from the mosque’s door. From their faces, they weren’t the same people as the ones who were on duty, aka they had just changed shifts. They looked at Adin and Rahmat inquiringly, although they didn’t ask the two men to stop for another questioning.


Outside the Aqsa neighborhood, Rahmat and Adin decided to walk down Derech Hafe Street, a secondary road that extends from the Ma’a lot Ir David Street intersection until it finally meets the wider Derekh Jerikho Road. “We’re going to have a curfew, bro,” said Adin worriedly.

Grace is shaking.


The houses on the right-hand side of the street, leading into the City of David, resemble unpainted concrete cubes arranged in steps. The grass that grows on

between houses and buildings, as if wanting to adjust to a monochrome environment, brown molt covered in dust. With perfunctory lighting from a few electric poles standing far from being laid out, the settlement that keeps Derech HaShilah Street in the east from being caught off guard exudes a dense sepia impression. Several shops selling drinks and food are still accepting customers


even though the owner had turned off some of the lights inside and was standing by the door as a code if


There are shops for food and drinks. Wheat and mineral water in banda 1X)l are quite expensive. themselves do not yet have Egyptian pounds, and Israeli shekels are in effect in the midst of society.


Thirty meters ahead, in the brightest light. A couple of young men in their 20s gathered, sitting on a combination of metal and plastic, circling disproportionately large, too many chairs. On top of the meia, glasses of sahlab—a creamy textured drink sprinkled with cinnamon seemed to be fighting over each other.


They hear the name Indonesia, we hear the name Palestine. Trembling and stopped his words as soon as he saw the youths who were now only five meters away from the two of them.

A young man with brown eyes stood up and waved enthusiastically. He greeted them both with a final call.

Are you sure, Mat?” Adin asked as soon as he saw Rahmat raising his hand towards them. -You’ve seen it before

No!’ Grace headed towards them with even bigger steps. “He already considers us brothers and sisters with Adin Palesua’s reflex, not Jews?


Rahmat stopped and glanced at Adin. “Annoying


Description of Novels


Title: Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night

Author: Helvy Tiana & Benny Arnas

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: A Novel

Language: English

Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night
Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night


How to Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night Hayya Novel Full Episode

The novel entitled Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “Read Palestine (other) Night of the Night” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




In conclusion, I hope that Hayya’s novel will receive a great reception and hope that the messages that can be conveyed can be received and applied in the souls of all levels of society. Let us together try to liberate the waqf land of the Islamic community, namely the Land of Palestine, in whatever way we can. We hope that whatever effort we are doing will turn into a charity that will burden our Mizan Hasanah in the last days.

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