Read Scary Night Hayya Novel Full Episode
Read Scary Night Hayya Novel Full Episode

Read Scary Night Hayya Novel Full Episode

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Read Scary Night – The wind outside seemed to be getting stronger. Her see-through cream curtains fluttered.

Five meters in front of Rahmat, the wardrobe door that had been hit by one of the sofa’s sides, opened by itself. The harsh sound of the door reminded Rahmat of the musical illustrations of popular horror films. Little by little, the hairs on his neck had shuddered. However, of course, it is forbidden for him to back down let alone scream in fear like a slut or an effeminate child who has lost his male soul.


Rahmat walked, slowly, as if sneaking towards the bottom of the cupboard that had just opened. One, two, five steps later, he was near the cupboard. His body slightly crouched to ascertain what was in there. Just about to poke his head a little in, he immediately jumped backwards. Two eyes shone there. His right hand reflexively grabbed his chest,


came closer to the cupboard on all fours. Such a position of the body makes it easier for him to see what is inside. Just when he was about to challenge the owner of the eyes—which he thought was terrible enough to come out of the closet, he suddenly felt deja vu. Yes, those dreadful eyes he had seen before, but where? His head is not in a fit state to dig into memories and past events. Rahmat put the machete on the floor and took a ceramic horse the size of a fist which was on the glass sofa table and….



Rahmat did not hear any screams, groans, or other expressions of sudden pain. He deliberately didn’t use a machete to worry that whoever was hiding in the cupboard would suffer serious injuries or even die instantly. Rahmat ignores that his throw just now can also cause the same thing. Ah, in a frantic state one cannot be expected to think clearly, Rahmat is no exception.


Yes, Rahmat did not hear screams, groans, or expressions of pain. Instead he heard a sound like thick paper being torn. Rahmat rushed over to the cupboard and pulled something out of it. He cursed when he found a canvas that had holes because of the ceramic horse he had just thrown. He just found out why he felt so familiar with those eyes because, since he decided to move, he decided to get rid of all human paintings


referred to as “the most beautiful eyed angel painting”. Now, he just realized that the woman in the painting had transformed into a female demon with the most terrifying eyes he had ever seen. Ah, it turns out that God has another way for me to finish the history of that bastard painting I bought at an exhibition in Bali!


Oh, but business isn’t over yet. The tension is not over! Rahmat is really curious about what happened. He crawled backwards in desperation and picked up the machete he had left on the floor. Now, with a machete in hand, he really turns into a loser who is made fun of by invisible creatures. Now Rahmat is running to all sides of the wall where the light switch is turned on in his house. Now, all the rooms in the house were brightly lit. It’s been 30 minutes since he woke up.


Soon dawn will come and he doesn’t want to be still helpless at home.

Rahmat decided to throw away the machete and go back to rummaging through all the rooms, even the bathroom and warehouse room which he had checked without thinking twice. He found nothing. Found nothing. Dissatisfied, Rahmat opened the door and ran out like a madman. 

He checked the gate, nothing strange or broken. 

He never locked the gate, but there was no sign of a stranger entering through the door either. He inspected the yard, there were no traces of anything suspicious either. Oh God, what is this?!

Grace is back. He closed the living room door without locking it and walked towards the bathroom…..


Description of Novels


Title: Scary Night

Author: Helvy Tiana & Benny Arnas

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: A Novel

Language: English

Read Scary Night Hayya Novel Full Episode
Read Scary Night Hayya Novel Full Episode

How to Read Scary Night Hayya Novel Full Episode

The novel entitled Read Scary Night is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “Scary Night” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




In conclusion, I hope that Hayya’s novel will receive a great reception and hope that the messages that can be conveyed can be received and applied in the souls of all levels of society. Let us together try to liberate the waqf land of the Islamic community, namely the Land of Palestine, in whatever way we can. We hope that whatever effort we are doing will turn into a charity that will burden our Mizan Hasanah in the last days.

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