Read That Something Named Hayya Novel Full Episode

That Something Named

Read That Something Named – Mat, where are you?” Adin asked, annoyed when the call was answered. “I’ve been in Hubbu since fifteen minutes ago. I think I’m late. Eh, you haven’t even appeared until now. You said it yourself this morning.”

“yes. Otw here!” Grace tries to relax. He was buying some clothes that fit Hayya’s body. It turned out that some of the ones he bought yesterday were either too small or too big for the girl.

“Otw or are you still at home!”

“Ah you’re welcome, Din!” Rahmat clasped his phone between his shoulder and ear. Suddenly he nudged the sitting lamp of Hayya’s room.

“Well, what’s that sound?” shouted Adin on the other side. “You’re still at home, right?”

Grace didn’t answer. Finally he found clothes that fit Hayya’s body.

“Hurry, Matt!” Adin insisted. “I can’t possibly talk about Hayya’s problem with Pak Yusuf. If I say something wrong, I’ll be the one who gets sprayed again!”


“Yes, you just wait there! I’ll take care of this!”

“I don’t have a problem, Mat,” Adin replied, trying to relax. “But if Pak Yusuf has business to go out, we won’t get anything today.”

“There, there! We’re already in the car!”

“Okay, Bro! I’ll be waiting. Take care. Hurry up!”

“Ambiguous you!” Spray Grace. “Take care, just take care. No need to use ‘hurry up’!”‘

“Yes, I’m waiting!” Adin was also annoyed at the end. He hung up the phone after greeting.


Thirty minutes later, Rahmat arrived at Hubbu headquarters. He looked back and found Hayya already sleeping hugging an ulil doll.

Grace remembers something. On the second floor, in Pak Yusuf’s room with thick transparent glass walls, there is a shady trembesi tree in a concrete pot in the parking lot right beside him. Let’s just hope there aren’t any cars parked there yet, he hoped.

Rahmat sighed and gave thanks in his heart as soon as he saw that the place he was aiming for was still empty. He could have left Hayya in the car by opening the rear window which was side by side with Pak Yusuf’s room. So if Hayya is awake or needs help, she will know right away.

In front of the office door, Adin grumbled. Moreover, finding Rahmat who came with an innocent face at the same time without any signs of conveying an apology. “Mr. Yusuf is suspicious of me because I don’t know what to say anymore. Don’t be like this again, bro!”

“Yeah, Dean!” Rahmat elbows Adin’s arm. “I don’t live alone now. Try being you


I have to prepare everything. I also have to take it slow

Hayya is still traumatized.”


Adin nodded. “1 yes, yes, I understand. Okay, let’s go in!” invite Adin.

But just as Rahmat was about to take a step, Adin intercepted him again. “Hey, where’s Hayya? How come I didn’t see it earlier.”

“In the car. Sleeping.”

“Wow, you can die, kid!”

“Screw you!” Rahmat made a move to launch his punch at Adin. “Noh look noh my car!” Rahmat pointed at the Avanza which was parked not far from Pak’s room


Joseph. “I’ve anticipated everything. You’re comfortable just worrying about her as a human. Lha me? Worry about Hayya as my child. Got it?”

“Yeah, let’s go inside!” Adin this time decided to go first to Pak Yusuf’s room.

In Pak Yusuf’s room, after delivering his apology, Rahmat took a chair in a sitting position that allowed him to control Hayya from afar. Adi understands. He also took on the role of blocking Pak Yusuf’s view of Rahmat’s car.

“Okay, Adin and Rahmat,” Pak Yusuf opened the conversation. “Thank you for playing with Hubbu. We are very happy that the two of you wanted to be involved in our humanitarian mission in Palestine yesterday.”

Rahmat and Adin smiled as their backs slightly bent. “We are the ones who are grateful, sir, for being given the opportunity to take part in the noble Hubbu movement that you lead,” said Rahmat.

“Yes, sir,” Adin added. “If there are plans to go there again, we are still ready to help, sir.” Adin turned to Rahmat. “1 yes or no, Matt?”

Rahmat reflexively nodded then smiled at Pak Yusuf.


“Oh sure, sure!” said Mr. Yusuf enthusiastically. “Rita is very happy that there are so many young people like you who want to take part. What’s more, you are also journalists. I read the daily journal that you wrote on the web while you were there. I like it. You write very clearly, Rahmat, so people can see Palestine proportionally”

“Wow, I’m very flattered, sir,” Rahmat smiled shyly.

“The photos too, right, sir?” Adin feels that Pak Yusuf forgot something.

“Excuse me?” Mr. Yusuf did not understand the direction of Adin’s question. Rahmat glances at Adin. He swallowed a smile.


“Rahmat’s journals include photographs…

“Oh yes yes!” Pak Yusuf suddenly shouted. “With your talking photos, Rahmat’s journal has indeed become more powerful and emotional.”

Adi grins happily. “Even though those were only his second grade photos, sir.”

“Hmmm, let’s start ya!” elbow Grace. “Earlier asked to be praised. Already praised, you’re jumping now, come on!” Rahmat sneered at Adin.

“Yeee why are you envious, Bro!” Adi did not accept.

“I still have the pictures from the Jewish class!”

Pak Yusuf chuckled at the behavior of the two of them.

“Hmm, look, sir, maybe just go ahead.” Adin opened the voice. He glanced at Rahmat, who didn’t seem to understand the code.

“Yes, yes,” answered Mr. Yusuf quickly. “What do you want to tell, right now Grace has come?”

Grateful grace. He was uncomfortable because Mr. Yusuf was deliberately waiting for him to listen to something that Adin promised. That thing called Hayya.


Description of Novels


Title: That Something Named

Author: Helvy Tiana & Benny Arnas

Publisher: Good Novel

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Genre: A Novel

Language: English

That Something Named
That Something Named

How to That Something Named Hayya Novel Full Episode

The novel entitled Read That Something Named is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Good Novel application which you can download on the google play store by searching for “That Something Named” in the search menu for the Good Novel application.




In conclusion, I hope that Hayya’s novel will receive a great reception and hope that the messages that can be conveyed can be received and applied in the souls of all levels of society. Let us together try to liberate the waqf land of the Islamic community, namely the Land of Palestine, in whatever way we can. We hope that whatever effort we are doing will turn into a charity that will burden our Mizan Hasanah in the last days.

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